To create the single biggest improvement in road safety since the seatbelt, using data
Our mission
Transform the world's largest road operators from process centric to data driven organisations
Our value proposition
Respond faster to more incidents, reducing accidents now and in the future
Our impact
Reduced injuries and fatalities on our roads by 10-15%, by improving accident response rate by 40% and decreasing response time by 25%.
Our Story
We were founded in 2016 with a mission to transform road operations. We are developing AI that works together with humans to make the world's largest infrastructure safer and more efficient.
Today we work with the biggest infrastructure operators in the world in over 10 different countries and states. We are backed by leading infrastructure investors in the US and Europe. We have offices in the UK, Israel, Spain and the USA.
We love data and what good data practices can do.
Our clients
Prince Michael International Road Safety Award, 2024
Intertraffic Inspiration Award - 2024
ITS UK Best Use of Data or Connectivity Award - 2023
Sacyr Innovation Awards, 1st Place - 2023
Govtech Summit Award 2018
Transurban Award
CES Best of Innovation Award 2020
South Summit Award
Masschallenge Israel Award - Finalist
The Journey / The Pitch Startup Competition - Winner
Wayra Award
AWS Bright Futures Award
Pitch @ Palace Award
Intelligent Infrastructure Hub 2017 - Winner
TechFest Awards - Best Use of Technology
Intertraffic Inspiration Award - 2024
Prince Michael International Road Safety Award, 2024
Sacyr Innovation Awards, 1st Place - 2023
TechFest Awards - Best Use of Technology
Govtech Summit Award 2018
Transurban Award
CES Best of Innovation Award 2020
South Summit Award
Masschallenge Israel Award - Finalist
The Journey / The Pitch Startup Competition - Winner
Wayra Award
AWS Bright Futures Award
Masschallenge Israel Award - Finalist
The Journey / The Pitch Startup Competition - Winner
Wayra Award
AWS Bright Futures Award
Pitch @ Palace Award
Intelligent Infrastructure Hub 2017 - Winner
ITS UK Best Use of Data or Connectivity Award - 2023
Valerann has been awarded a €3.6M contract by the European Space Agency to develop a road traffic monitoring platform using AI and satellite data.